UTRCC Endorsement Meeting
September 3, 2019 7:00 pm
Our next meeting is on Tuesday, August 28 September 3 at 7 PM at the Civic Center (Queen City A&B). I sent a re-cap from our last meeting on August 10. Look for it if you have not seen that.
At our 9/3 meeting we will consider Nov 2019 endorsements. To be considered for endorsement I need to receive a request from the candidate to be considered by August 27. Possible endorsements could be for School Board, Trustee, Fiscal Officer. We will do so in accordance with the newly adopted Constitution (I have re-attached but it was on my 8/10 note). These races are non-partisan and there is no “primary.” The race is the “general election” and party designation does not show on the ballot.