The Union Township Republican Central Committee is comprised of people that represent each precinct within Union Township; each precinct needs representation and you do not have to live in the precinct you represent, though it is preferred. Once you become a member of the Union Township Republican Central Committee, you will become a member of the Clermont County Republican Central Committee.
Joining the Union Township Republican Central Committee is simple and can be completed in a few easy steps. The first step to joining the Union Township Republican Central Committee is contacting us and letting us know you are interested. We will invite you to our next upcoming meeting so you can come and meet the committee! After meeting us, if you would like to become a committeeman and there is an opening within the township, our executive will send you a questionnaire for you to complete and send back to him. You will need to attend our next Union Township Republican Central Committee and speak with the committee about your answers and we will vote to add you to our committee to represent a specific precinct within Union Township.
After our vote, we will welcome you to our Union Township Republican Central Committee, but now you need to be confirmed by the Clermont County Republican Central Committee. Confirmation of the appointment on the central committee is completed at the very next Clermont County Republican Central Committee meeting and you will need to attend. At the Clermont County Republican Central Committee, you will be introduced to the entire Clermont County Republican Central Committee and your appointment will be confirmed at that time. At the end of just 4 meetings, you will be part of the wonderful Union Township Republican Central Committee–and we are happy to have you join us in our effort to support the Republican Party!